Tag archive for ‘Bienvenido Richardson’
By The Publisher On Friday, July 2nd, 2021

GEBE Supervisory Board allows attorney Jairo Bloem to defend himself with letter to the media

On June 12th, 2021, a letter of the ex-chairman of the Supervisory Board of NV GEBE, Mr. Bienvenido Richardson, became the subject of an online media article. That letter circulated before in the social media. On More...

By The Publisher On Saturday, June 12th, 2021

Attorney Bloem refutes allegations from GEBE board member Richardson

PHILIPSBURG -- Attorney Jairo Bloem is preparing his response to allegations of wrongdoing expressed by the former chairman of the supervisory board of utilities company GEBE, Bienvenido Richardson. “I can already More...

By The Publisher On Monday, November 14th, 2016

United we stand

Dear Editor, In the wake of the decision taken by parliament to back the decision taken by the Council of Ministers not to attend our St. Maarten Day (Not that of France nor Holland), I want to share my opinion More...

By The Publisher On Tuesday, October 18th, 2016

Electing the prime minister

Dear Editor, In our current electoral system we vote for all 15 Members of Parliament through a list system of proportional representation, for the term of four years; the so called parliamentary election. So after More...