Published On: Fri, Mar 24th, 2017

Old sins

Old sins have long shadows, the saying goes and this applies seamlessly to the court case that involved the former director of the tourist bureau and two other suspects.

The complaint at the basis of this court case was filed on November 26, 2010 and when the trial begins on May 10, 6 years and 5 months will have elapsed.

Some of the charges are about actions that took place in December 2008.

Why did it take so long? The public prosecutor said two years ago that at the time of the complaint the National Detective Agency had been overwhelmed with 23 reported cases and that others were given priority.

There is no doubt that the time lapse will have a mitigating effect on the verdicts – if it comes to that point. But this case and other examples trigger the question how fair it is to label citizens as suspects for so long before they have their day in court.