The SHTA formally denounces the calling for snap elections in January
PHILIPSBURG — With keen interest SHTA has followed the recent political shifts and the debate in the Parliament of St. Maarten. The dismissal of the Marlin Cabinet and the subsequent call for snap elections will most definitely further hinder our recovery; taking precious resources and energy away from critical decision making and action. The additional and prolonged hardships inflicted on the residents (both individuals and businesses) of St. Maarten are significant and could have been prevented. At the time of these events, valuable time had already been wasted and the in-action had already caused untold damage to our Tourism Product and natural resources. The risks involved with the postponement of equitable action to jump-start the recovery process in earnest are immeasurable but it can be expected that it will cause more business closures, higher unemployment and increased levels of crime. The actual cost of pride is always higher than one is willing to pay.
With a non-functioning post office, a weakened Electoral Council and a shortened time frame for postulation, the quality of our democracy is further restricted. By eliminating the possibility for new parties to step in, community members that now recognize the inadequacies and limitations in our current political situation, who may have come forward will not be able to participate and will now have to sit back with a same ol’ same ol’ attitude and any spirit toward civic change will again be quashed. The question is: Will it get better. The answer is: Probably not.