Published On: Thu, Sep 22nd, 2016

“Prosecutor’s Office is on a witch hunt”

UP-leader Theo Heyliger upset about Masbangu-appeal


Billboard of UP-leader Theo Heyliger on Walter Nisbeth Road, with billboards of Finance Minister and NA-candidate Richard Gibson in the background. Photo Today / Hilbert Haar

GREAT BAY – The witch hunt and selective prosecution are continuing with yet another appeal filed by the Prosecutor’s Office in the so-called “Masbangu” case, leader of the United People’s party Theo Heyliger said in a press statement.

“The Prosecutor’s Office did not succeed once. They tried again and did not succeed. I guess they believe the third time’s the charm in their trumped up attempt to discredit the United People’s party,” Heyliger said.

“The first case was thrown out by the court. That did not sit well with the Prosecutor’s Office. The UP was branded and the brand needs to stick. Then came attempt number two. The court also saw no case, but the prosecutor cannot stop its witch hunt. UP is the black sheep and no matter what the party must be dragged through the mud as much as and for as long as possible,” the UP leader said.

“When I saw today the prosecutor is appealing yet again, all I could do it shake my head and say here we go again. The goal is to get UP at any cost.”

“The Court of First Instance very clearly stated in its latest verdict it has not been established that the so-called payments were for a certain action – namely to vote for a particular party and that such was agreed upon, nor that there had been an attempt for such by the people who have been victimized by the Prosecutor’s Office for almost six years now.”

“What I can deduce from the actions of the Prosecutor’s Office is it can only be labeled a vehement attempt to thwart democracy and influence the outcome of the elections of September. How so? If you continue to label a party when the Court says otherwise, your motive is crystal clear. It is to discredit and damage that party.”

“Two years ago during elections the case was brought. Now the verdict comes just before elections and here comes the appeal days before elections with the only possible aim being to embarrass me and influence the elections. What else could be the end game,” Heyliger asked.

“This is eerily reminiscent of what was done to my grandfather to keep him out of office. To keep him from continuing to empower his people to stand on their own and build an island that is prosperous and non-dependent,” Heyliger said of the legal battles of his grandfather the late Dr. Claude Wathey.

He said before the Prosecutor’s Office focuses on spending its limited resources and manpower on real crime and on properly prosecuting those criminals who have terrorized our people, who have harmed our economy, they choose instead to target a political party, a party whose members have worked tirelessly to better this country and throw off the shackles of others to free our people.

This is a compounded and orchestrated attempt to smear UP for whatever reason and to possibly benefit those who seek office and who are more malleable to the desires of those outside of St. Maarten,” said Heyliger.

“Let’s go back in history, very recent in fact. It was public knowledge current Finance Minister Richard Gibson Sr. was a minister candidate for the UP-led coalition in 2014. There was a complaint about forgery against him lodged with the Prosecutor’s Office and this blocked his candidacy. Forward to September 2015, to just three weeks before the National Alliance coalition was to be revealed. What happens then? The Prosecutor’s Office suddenly and without a reason dropped the case paving the way for his appointment on the current cabinet.”

“I would like to know who put pressure on the Prosecutor’s Office to drop the case again the now minister and who is doing the same to damage UP. Was it the powers that be in The Hague? We know there is no love there for UP, because this party is for the people and seeing them prosper.”

“All of this is just too coincidental. Three weeks after the complaint was dropped so did the sitting government on September 30. It certainly makes one wonder what’s the motive,” Heyliger said.