Good Governance and the Didam Arrest: Implications for Sint Maarten
Dear Editor, When discussing good governance, many typically think of government and governmental organizations. Several scientific definitions could be cited, but in daily life, it boils down to a few principles. More...
Supreme Court-decision affects long lease-rules in St. Maarten
PHILIPSBURG — Selling government-owned land or giving it out in long lease is subject to rules ministers cannot ignore, it appears from a recent ruling by the Dutch Supreme Court. According to former Minister More...
Controversy puts Knops’ role as Mr. Good Governance on the line
PHILIPSBURG — State Secretary Drs. Raymond Knops (Kingdom Relations) is at the center of a controversy after the Dutch newspaper NRC reported that he used the services of civil servants to solve a private More...
Kingdom demands action in exchange for liquidity support
THE HAGUE — The Kingdom Council of Ministers supported in its meeting of Friday, May 28, the decision of State Secretary Raymond Knops (Kingdom Relations) to freeze the fifth tranche of liquidity support More...
HOPE: The Elected Parliament members of St. Maarten need to be strengthened with Good Governance principles training
Dear Editor, HOPE congratulates all the elected representatives to be sworn in as Members of Parliament and wishes them and the new to be sworn in ministers, much strength in their endeavors to govern our Island More...