Published On: Tue, Jan 24th, 2017


Today’s story about the art school of Tess Verheij reveals an apparent lack of local interest in the arts and in particular in the training of youngsters in the pleasures of drawing and other creative activities.

Reason enough for us to ask in this spot attention for the opportunity Verheij’s project offers to fifteen talented but underprivileged children: a whole year of free art classes.

Parents and schools ought to pick up on this, while children themselves are free to drop in at the art school on Old Street.

Verheij’s idea to uplift art classes in the school system should also not go unnoticed because it offers youngsters with nowhere to go a way out and it brings art in the classroom to a higher level.

We bet that education Minister Silveria Jacobs does not often receive ideas like this on a silver platter.