Published On: Mon, Jan 15th, 2018


We have been asked by one of our readers why no one is posing questions to the COO of PJIA airport about the status and progress of the airport’s insurance claim.

The reader writes that he thinks everyone is eager to know this information, but we have yet to receive any updates on the airport situation.

He is surprised how they can keep the public in the dark for so long.

Another reader informed us that the insurance company has only paid out an advance of 5 million guilders.

We at know from our research into insurance claims handling damage of that magnitude will involve a lot of haggling with the insurance adjusters who will try to shave off 40% off the claim before they settle. has been sending both the COO and the Marketing Manager emails requesting information and/or an interview about the SXM Airport and so far no reactions.

We can imagine that the COO is only an Interim CEO and will refer us to the Minister and the Minister is only a caretaker minister and will refer us to the new incoming Minister and there is no new incoming Minister of Transportation/Aviation because Claret Connor hasn’t pass the screening yet.

We have a Parliament that is a toothless paper tiger and no government-owned company takes government or Parliament seriously. They have nothing to fear. Especially around election time.

So unfortunately, unless SXM Airport agrees to give us an interview, it will be a while before we get clear information about the airport terminal building. Our opinion is that the building should be completely demolished and a whole new structure rebuilt in its place. The mold infestation is a big problem.

We will be continuing our articles series on the demolition plans of the airport management company to gut the building as soon as we see some movements on that front at the airport.