Airport Saga From we own
Dear Media,
Would like to address you with some factual information regarding the recent political developments. It would seem as if everyone is washing their hands of the Mingo saga and now attempting to throw the honorable Minister of Teatt under the bus. The same Minister that has been thrown under the bus for doing the right thing numerous of times by her own leader and faction leader of the UP party. As with the Casino licenses, the 721 illegal businesses and other business and operating licenses that they want her to push through, her integrity wouldn’t allow and they wanted her gone.
Fact is:
Brian Mingo’s lawyer mentioned the puppet masters at UP who wanted him gone for not proceeding with the FBO and Pre-clearance. The issue here is the awarding of the contracts the same reason the UP got rid of Marcel Gumbs.
The UP party wanted Mingo gone and used the momentum of the opposition to get their message across.
The Doncher Family is in dire financial straits and desperately needs to stay in the good graces of those in power.
Glen Daniel on the supervisory board of the holding is in business with Theo Heyliger.
The honorable Minister of TEATT Ludi de Weever warned Mr. Doncher on numerous occasions that if he is taking instructions from MP Brison and Grisha Heyliger that he needs to cover his butt. To make sure he is legally sound and in his right.
Mr. Doncher based on instruction of the puppet masters to sabotage all negotiations with the Dutch to seek alternative financing that would cost the island $250 million dollars more but would allow contracts to be given out without proper bidding to the puppet masters.
For the last few months there has been a divide within the council of Ministers on doing the right thing and suspending Dexter due to the lack of corporate governance.
Minister Ludi has warned the party in the past of the dangers of Schiphol pulling out and the cost to the island. The Minister also has her auditing reputation on the line and the stress of wrong doings by the strings of the puppet masters grew daily.
A forensic audit needs to be done at the airport.
The candidate Minister of TEATT of the UP Party Mr. Roger Lawrence has been advised by the current Minister of TEATT not to mess up his good reputation by accepting this position.
The Minister of TEATT only stayed in the best interest of the country and to fight for the home porting. After the home porting has been finalized she will take her seat in parliament fully.
MP Rolando Brison will not be taking up the role as Minister of TEATT as he cannot pass the screening due to an upcoming court case where he owes $30k in owed rent.
Your truly,
Born Antillean
Keep Sint Maarten Alive