Published On: Tue, Jan 30th, 2018

Why we are called Civil Servants

Dear Editor,

The main motivation when postulating one’s self to political party is to serve the people. It’s why we are called Civil Servants.

Unfortunately, however; not every postulated candidate shares this motivation.

Also noticeable are persons postulated with the best of intentions, and later unfortunately corrupted by others.

As a member of the National Alliance I am extremely fortunate that no such pressure was ever placed upon me by any member of the party. As I climbed in rank, supported by the voters of St. Maarten, the former leader and Prime Minister William Marlin, embraced the rise and started my education in the finer points of politics and leadership. Naturally there were other persons also awarded this privilege as in the end it would be the congress deciding who would lead next.

Leadership comes with responsibility and it is that leadership which sets the direction of a party.

What does it say then of a leader who, from the beginning of the coalition agreement over a year ago, was actively looking for a reason to break the coalition?

With only 2 seats and a 10 seat coalition, one additional member would need to agree.

The devastation of hurricane Irma gave the DP leader an opportunity to clearly show the people of St. Maarten the direction of her leadership and she has proven that she is all about self. While a national government was being discussed, she was behind the scenes scheming to throw down government. Yes, as a true leader the former PM stood up in defense of, and took the blame for the failures, particularly those of the Minister of Social Affairs with his lack of action in distributing food and water. However, to throw the blame squarely on the shoulders of former PM William Marlin was unfair. We all acknowledge that, for the first couple of days, all did not go well but that soon changed as things began to progress smoothly and external observers were amazed at the pace of the island’s recovery. The very Minister of Social Affairs, presented by the DP, was the one refusing to pay the local workers who were giving their all daily, assisting with the cleanup.

Now again we see the leader of the DP trying to confuse the people of St. Maarten with her bogus claims of illegal elections.

Is she trying to imply that she and the new PM are more knowledgeable of the law than the Governor and all his advisers?

We all know Governor Holiday enough to know he would not sign any decree without first confirming its accordance with the law. The attempts of the DP leader to cast doubt on this decision is one more case of putting self before country but by now that doesn’t surprise me one bit.

The many excuses brought up by her and her party for the fall of government are not based on facts and with every mention of the recovery funds, she looks more foolish every day. The actions conceived and executed by MP Wescot has led to serious delays in the distribution of the relief funds. The people of St. Maarten have only one person to blame for the lack of action regarding roof repairs and that is MP Sarah Wescot-Williams.

It is a politician’s actions, not words, that reflect whether (s)he is for the people. I am thankful that, for my entire political career I have been with a party that not just says it’s for the people but puts our slogan St. Maarten First into action whenever we are in Government.

C. Emilia Media