Can we cooperate and co-exist?
Blessings to All People, Leaders in all Areas, Governments, and Representatives of the People of the Countries and Entities of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
First things first. I am very and deeply concerned as to how we are progressing as Countries in relations to our relationships within the Kingdom, and more specifically placing the Focus on the Dutch Caribbean Islands with the Netherlands.
At the same time, my concerns have deepened as it relates to how we are managing, governing and representing the People of these Dutch Caribbean Countries, placing specifically my attention on Sint Maarten from within.
And you can interpret that however you wish to, but I know that you are a wise enough People to understand from what angles I am making these statements.
All of this brings into the perspective the concerns of specifically the Integrity Advancement Movement (IAM) Foundation, along with how we are envisioning it all from a governmental, transparency, equality, honesty, and Integrity perspective in the best interest of our People, our Economy, our Government Finances, our Public Health, Employment and Investment Possibilities and Opportunities, Social Benefits and Protection, our Educational System, our Crime Situation and Justice System, as well as Good Governance, just to name a few.
And when looking at the other side of envisioning how we address this all, we see specifically our Government as well as our People’s Representatives in collaboration with the Dutch Government.
There are where our huge concerns lie, and we are convinced, that whether we like it or not, we need to quickly find ways of cooperation to build mutual confidence and strong stability while working with each other, in the benefit of all involved, creating a Win Win for each individual Country in the Kingdom.
And here is where the Subject of Full Decolonization or Full Autonomy seriously comes into the picture on all levels, including our Constitutional Structure, in all areas, as previously mentioned, moving us into a direction that will be pleasing to all.
But the most important question is,
Can we cooperate and co-exist in the best interest of every Country and its People individually?
Where does all of these discussions regarding Full Decolonization, or Full Autonomous Status, or not,
as well as possible individual Foreign Affairs Representation for example play in all of this through probable coordinated representation of the Kingdom through the same Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Netherlands working for example with State Secretaries of Foreign Affairs representing the Countries Curacao, Aruba, and Sint Maarten?
That is just one example.
Why is the relationship on all levels really not functioning the way it is suppose to be?
Can it be that politics and the vision of politicians throughout the Kingdom be one of the main reasons that this progress is continuing to fail to the detriment of our Countries and People on every and all level?
We need and must come together NOW, understanding each other, and working towards a mutual goal to achieve that which MUST be achieved.
Let us each individually first put pen to paper as Countries, in order to thereafter present proposals, that will eventually be to the benefit of all People within the various Countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Achken Roberto Richardson
Founder & President of the Integrity Advancement Movement (IAM) Foundation