Published On: Mon, Nov 28th, 2016

The ambience

Dear Editor,

By the time this article appears in the daily newspapers it will be 27 more days before Christmas. Last year some or many felt as if the ambience was not there. I would have to agree. And I am referring to specifically Philipsburg. We can agree that if you looked at some 90% of the homes on the Dutch side of the island there were no Christmas lights decorations that reflected the festive ambience which many of us feel around this time and I am not talking about the financial aspect because I know the reality of our economy which is reflected in unemployment among certain age groups. But my intention is not to discuss this particular subject at this time of which I promise you much will be said by my person on it in the not too distant future. My focus is mainly on Philipsburg and on the businesses in that area. If my memory serves me right one of the complaints we received from locals and also our visitors were how gloomy Philipsburg looked with hardly any lights or festivities which in my view would have translated into more spending. But the ambience was not conducive for such. Let me be clear to the businesses people in town, I am asking you to please decorate your establishments and I believe it will attract more shoppers which would mean more sales for you. I listened to a radio talk show host saying that some of decorations such as lights are stolen by perpetrators. This is unfortunate but it should not be a deterrent because we have more security in town during the Christmas season than at other times and this I am sure will minimize these actions. I am calling especially on the government owned companies to be part of these activities. The Harbor I know played a tremendous role in the past and I would like them to do so again. Gebe does an awesome job for which they must be commended. But its only one area that I know of. I understood that in the past there was a committee that had the task to organize this venture. It would be good to revive it again. It will be good for us and our visitors if we create a festive ambience. We are a Caribbean people and believe in colors, let us make this Christmas season a festive one as we remember the real reason for the season when Jesus Christ our savior was born. It is up to us to create the ambience.

George Pantophlet