Published On: Tue, Nov 21st, 2017

Seasonal vs Seasoned Politicians

Seasonal vs Seasoned Politicians

As we at stmaartennews.com like to sometimes take our inspiration from Facebook – most times we take our inspiration anywhere we can get it – we sent our cartoonist James Baggett to the drawing board for this one specially for Mrs. Benders.

Her post on Seasonal vs Seasoned Politicians reminded us of the story of a reporter who went out for dinner with two politicians to interview them for their upcoming election.

After her night out with the first politician, she reported back to her editor that she thought he was the most interesting person in the world. Everyone in the editorial room was certain he would win the election after that report.

The next night after she had been out with the second politician, her editor asked her how it went. She reported that she thought she was the most interesting person in the world.

Guess which politician won the election?