Cusha Cartoons book in production

Dear reader, Welcome to this page where I will be compiling the best of the satirical cartoons we have published over the years since 2016 when was first launched. These cartoons will be bundled and published in an upcoming book called 'Cusha Cartoons' as these will be as prickly as my columns in my first book called Cusha Columns. Over More...

Theo Heyliger still in detention cell at Philipsburg police station
PHILIPSBURG — At the time of questioning on Thursday morning, communication’s officer for the Anti-Corruption Task Force TBO, Roderick Gouverneur, did not ascertain whether Theo Heyliger was still being More...

Recap MP Frans Richardson residency issue
Recap articles published about the residency issue of MP Frans Richardson and the possible consequences regarding his status as a member of Parliament: MP-status Frans Richardson called into question Opinion by More...

Cartoon: Government Money Bag
Related news: Government money bag empty by month’s end No reason for panic Minister Gibson says More...

A world of unhappiness
By Hilbert Haar For those who have no clue why the Caravanserai Beach Resort was rechristened as the Alegría resort – and what the hell that name means, here is a pointer. The resort’s name is displayed above More...

Seasonal vs Seasoned Politicians
As we at like to sometimes take our inspiration from Facebook – most times we take our inspiration anywhere we can get it – we sent our cartoonist James Baggett to the drawing board More...

Another blooper
What is it with our outgoing minister of tourism and economic affairs? First there was the confusion about the appointment of Rolando Brison as the director of the Tourism Authority, now there is another blooper More...

The Dutch asking too much
In a statement published on, Ronald Plasterk, Minister of Kingdom Relations, is quoted as saying that the governors of the countries of Aruba, Curaçao and St. Maarten serve primarily the interests More...

Welcome to Mount Trashmore
A lot has been said and written about the dump and a lot will be said and written about this thorn in everyone’s hide for decades to come. Those who think that our politicians will take care of the problem are More...

Spontaneous phone combustion
It has long been believed that human beings are able to spontaneously burst into flames and burn to smoldering ashes. This is called Spontaneous Human Combustion or SHC. The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has given new More...