Cusha Cartoons book in production
Dear reader,
Welcome to this page where I will be compiling the best of the satirical cartoons we have published over the years since 2016 when was first launched. These cartoons will be bundled and published in an upcoming book called 'Cusha Cartoons' as these will be as prickly as my columns in my first book called Cusha Columns.
Over time, I will publish here on this page the selected cartoons that will go into the book with their respective backstories. Readers will be able to access this page and follow the development of the collection of cartoons with their backstories that will go into the book by buying a Cusha Columns subscription for just $19 US Dollars. Paid subscribers will also get a copy of the Cusha Columns book.
So far I have 96 cartoons selected.
Cartoon: The Emil Lee Effect - Grass Roots Campaign Cartoon
Published: Thursday, September 29, 2016
Back Story: The Emil Lee Effect
There are more cartoons to see. You have to buy the Cusha Columns subscription to access this page and see the cartoons being selected for the book publication. Click here to do so>>> When you buy this subscription, you will get a copy of our latest Cusha book as well. After you register and buy this Cusha Columns subscription, the book will be available as an ebook to download from the Publisher. Email the receipt to to get your copy. Click here to buy this subscription now>>>