Published On: Wed, Nov 30th, 2016


The story about accessibility – or rather the lack thereof – in Bonaire could have been written about St. Maarten. If we look at the main shopping streets in Philipsburg, there is no way wheelchair-bound citizens can navigate Front Street or Back Street safely.

And we are not referring to potholes in the street, but to the narrow pavements that have been thoughtlessly beautified with palm trees, making it impossible for wheelchairs to pass. And in places where the palm trees have succumbed to neglect or to naughty actions by retailers who did not want them, the large holes that remain are serious obstacles too.

The parliament building is supposed the house of the people, but in its current location there is no possibility for handicapped citizens to get in there. The pavement in front of the building is already a problem and the steep marble stairs leading to the first floor are a mission impossible for wheelchair-bound people.

The new government building on Pond Island on the other hand, seems to hold some promise for improvement.

All the same, it is fair to say that there is a lot to be done to improve this situation. Unfortunately our parliament has not taken a single step in the past six years to put this issue high on the agenda.