Published On: Fri, Apr 28th, 2017

A big no-no

The term ‘culture’ is often uses as an explanation for why things are happening in a certain way. It is a weak excuse of course; an attempt to talk something right that is, in fact, totally wrong.

Such is the case with a man from, admittedly, another island, who had sex with a girl of 13, while he was 46.

In the book of the court such a relationship violates social-ethical standards. In common language: that’s a big non-no.

But look now: according to the court ruling the girl’s mother apparently encouraged the relationship. The girl, vulnerable due to alcohol and drug abuse (and for that reason under supervision of the Court of Guardianship) was probably more looking for a father figure than anything else.

What she got instead was a child and an old bloke who intends to marry her.

Most people will agree that a relationship, especially a sexual relationship, between a girl that young and a man that old is absolutely wrong.

“I’ve got what you want,” superstar Tina Turner once sang tauntingly, but that remark suggests erroneously that relationships between partners of the opposite sex are one-way streets.

In the case at hand, the man bought clothing and food for the girl and that was apparently highly appreciated and rewarded with sexual favors that resulted in a pregnancy.

Acknowledging that something is wrong is one thing. Doing something about it to make sure it does not happen again is quite a different story.

As long as there are vulnerable girls and as long as there are older men hunting them, these practices will continue whether we like it or not. Throw into the mix a mother who encourages such relationships and the chaos is complete.

So be prepared: every now and then cases of this nature will be brought to the attention of the authorities and they will – and justly so – intervene. But while the justice system is dealing with this one case at a time, there improper relationships will continue, especially as long as responsible adults close their eyes to this reality and opt to do nothing about them.

Gavel Smack On the Wrist