
A questionable future

By Hilbert Haar The story that I am hearing now is that suspended MP Theo Heyliger is done with politics. It tallies with a statement he made to me earlier last year when he wrote me a message saying that the 2018 election had been his last one. His arrest on February 19 and his continued incarceration may have sped up the decision, though I have no More...

by The Publisher | Published 5 years ago
By The Publisher On Monday, March 25th, 2019


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By The Publisher On Monday, March 25th, 2019

The K-word

By Hilbert Haar I was waiting for it and it finally happened. Members of Parliament have begun to describe the transfer of bribery-suspect Theo Heyliger to a prison in Bonaire as kidnapping – the K-word. Asked More...

By The Publisher On Thursday, March 21st, 2019

Déjà vu

By Hilbert Haar Déjà vu is a powerful experience. It brings you back in a flash to a time when something happened that is similar to a current experience. I had this feeling when I read about the Robalo-case against More...

By The Publisher On Monday, March 18th, 2019

A wasted opportunity

By Hilbert Haar Anti-Poverty Platform chairman Drs. Raymond Jessurun usually does a good job defending the position of underprivileged citizens. His tireless work gives a voice to the voiceless and that deserves More...

By The Publisher On Saturday, March 9th, 2019

Another missed opportunity

By Hilbert Haar Parliament missed yet another opportunity to make clear where it stands on corruption and money laundering on Friday afternoon. It does not come as a surprise because every time “one of their own” More...

By The Publisher On Thursday, March 7th, 2019

Hypocrisy at its highest level

By Hilbert Haar MP Franklin Meyers is quite outspoken – to put it mildly – when it comes to standing up for St. Maarten and its people. Wednesday’s Central Committee meeting about the conditions at More...

By The Publisher On Tuesday, March 5th, 2019

A bit of a disappointment

By Hilbert Haar During the groundbreaking ceremony for the new hospital, in early December 2018, everything seemed to be nice and dandy. Alesandro Cambri of contractor INSO was present at this photo opportunity More...

By The Publisher On Monday, March 4th, 2019

Karma is a double-edged sword

[Publisher's note: Will Theo Heyliger eventually be prosecuted and condemned to serve time in prison? Our own Hilbert Haar gives us his opinion on this topic in this premium article available exclusively for our More...

By The Publisher On Thursday, February 28th, 2019

Invisible money

By Hilbert Haar De-risking has become a buzzword in the financial world. Banks risk huge fines if they do business with clients that are associated with money laundering. Therefore, they create a risk-profile and More...