Published On: Wed, Oct 19th, 2016

Anonymous letters

We don’t like anonymous letters; especially those that accuse someone of wrongdoing. We’d say: if you’re man enough to accuse somebody, then be man enough to show your face. Otherwise, get lost.

Unfortunately, we have websites that pretend to be in the news business that have a different opinion. They publish such letters with gusto, without asking themselves why somebody comes up with certain accusations. There is always an ulterior motive and none are stronger than those of the anonymous letter-writer.

Maybe you say: wait a minute. Is the message not more important than the messenger?

Well, that depends.

The letter we are referring to is written by some illiterate dufus who makes suggestive remarks about a judge and a couple of lawyers, throwing in some off-hand remarks about private issues for good measure.

The way we read the letter, the writer lost a court case in civil court and now he (or she) is pissed off. Jeez, shit happens, you know?

Oh wait, the letter is “signed by a concern (sic) group who still believe in the justice system.”


If you believe in the justice system you do not write anonymous letters. You use the system to right what is wrong.

First and foremost, you show your face and you explain exactly why you have such an issue with a judge or with certain attorneys. Can’t be that difficult, or so we thought.

In the end, an anonymous letter says more about its author than it does about its targets. It also says a lot about the operators of web sites who think it is cute (exclusive!) to publish such garbage.

What a sad world we live in.