Published On: Thu, Sep 22nd, 2016

Our Land Matters prepares for peaceful march


Meeting of the Our Land Matters movement

MARIGOT – Last Friday the Our Land Matters movement met with several district leaders, heads of associations and other families to discuss the current status of affairs. The discussion highlighted not only the history of the ongoing debacle with the Beauperthuy properties but also that the manner in which this situation is being handled is considered to be against human rights and unfounded. It also brought about discussion on the lack of concern from the side of the local government. Also highlighted during the discussion was the need to unite and stand as one island. Attendees are calling on sisters and brothers from Dutch St. Maarten to form a united front when addressing the issues facing our Island. Also in attendance during the discussion were members from the Laurence family. The Laurence family is also experiencing injustice with their properties and are seeking a resolution to a long ongoing debacle with their land. The discussion ended with the Our Land Matters movement informing all present that a peaceful march will be organized. Leading up to the march, a fundraising rally will be held next week Sunday, October 2, from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the Boo Boo Jam area on Orient Beach.