Tag archive for ‘prosecution’
By The Publisher On Friday, August 16th, 2024

MP Arrindell might be prosecuted for vote-buying

PHILIPSBURG -- The Public Prosecutor’s Office intends to prosecute Member of Parliament Akeem Arrindell for vote-buying during the January 2024 elections. In a press release, that does not mention Arrindell by More...

By The Publisher On Wednesday, November 17th, 2021

Mar, bribe and destroy

By Hilbert Haar It is not a good week for the United St. Maarten party (USp), its faction leader Claudius Buncamper and its founder Frans Richardson. Like attracts like, or as the Dutch like to say: soort zoekt More...

By The Publisher On Friday, October 15th, 2021

MP Buncamper took 600,000 in bribes, prosecution charges

PHILIPSBURG -- The trial against parliamentarian Claudius Buncamper (United St. Maarten party, USp) is the result of an investigation into corruption that began in July 2018. The first court hearings were on September More...

By The Publisher On Friday, August 20th, 2021

Notary plays a false note and faces profession ban

WILLESTAD — Renowned composer and piano player Johnny Kleinmoedig is facing an 18-months prison sentence (with 6 months suspended) and a ban from practicing as a public notary for five years. The public prosecutor More...

By The Publisher On Thursday, December 3rd, 2020

Parliament, govt need to tackle prosecutors abuse

PHILIPSBURG — The board of the United St. Maarten Party (USP) on Monday said it stands behind USP MP and faction leader Claudius Buncamper in calling for a fair trial for his latest fight with the prosecuting More...

By The Publisher On Thursday, November 12th, 2020

Emmanuel’s “victory” and the difference between criminal and questionable behavior

PHILIPSBURG – When the Common Court of Justice denied a request from the Attorney-General to prosecute MP Christophe Emmanuel for alleged irregularities with granting land in long lease when he was minister of More...

By The Publisher On Wednesday, November 11th, 2020

“Without regard to persons,” they claim.

By A Contributor The predominantly Dutch European Judiciary and Public Prosecution Service consistently claim that adjudication and prosecution takes place without regard to persons (‘zonder aanziens des More...

By The Publisher On Monday, February 25th, 2019

Court permits prosecution of Theo Heyliger in LARIMAR case

PHILIPSBURG — Communication’s Officer of the of the Anti-Corruption Taskforce TBO, Roderick Gouverneur, informed StMaartenNews.com that today the court has granted the Prosecutor’s Office permission More...

By The Publisher On Saturday, August 25th, 2018


By Hilbert Haar It is tempting to note that integrity issues have soared to the surface again in St. Maarten after the common Court of Justice gave the green light for the prosecution of MP Theo Heyliger. The suspicions More...

By The Publisher On Wednesday, August 22nd, 2018

MP Theo Heyliger’s immunity from prosecution revoked

PHILIPSBURG — The heavy hammer of a judge’s gavel dropped on Tuesday, August 21st, 2018, thereby immediately revoking the political immunity of Member of Parliament, Theodore Emanuel Heyliger (48), More...