Leo’s celebrate International Leo Day on Dec. 5th
PHILIPSBURG –Today December 5th is International Leo Day. Leo Clubs all over the world celebrate this day with special community projects. The Leo Club program, an integral part of the Lions Family, Leos also have their own global network of over 6.000 Leo Clubs in more than 140 nations.
Leo Clubs provide young people with an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of the local, national and international community.
In 1957, the Glenside Lions Club from the U.S. state of Pennsylvania sponsored the first Leo Club “The Abington High School Leo Club” with 35 students. A decade later, the Lions Clubs International Board of Directors adopted the Leo Club Program as an official program of the Association.
Through the Leo Club Program, young people develop and practice leadership, organization and social skills through participation in Leo club activities and service projects. Involvement in these activities often fosters a lifetime commitment to helping others, while enhancing the community.
The Leo Club motto: Leadership, Experience, Opportunity – says it all.
Leadership: Leo members acquire skills as project organizers and motivators of their peers.
Experience: They discover how teamwork and cooperation can bring about change in their community and the world.
Opportunity: Leos develop positive character traits and receive recognition for their contributions.
Here on Sint Maarten both Leo Clubs the “Alpha Leo Club” (11 – 18 yrs.) and the “Omega South Leo Club”(19-30 yrs.) are already busy celebrating their special day with special Christmas projects. The Alpha Leo Club is presently collecting food stuff at the supermarkets for their Annual “Tis the Season” projects whereby they distribute close to 100 baskets filled with food stuff and distribute these to the less fortunate in the community. Notwithstanding the challenges this year after the hurricanes Irma and Maria the Leos are determined to still feed those in the community in a special way for Christmas. They also recently had their annual Talent Show for the clients of the Sister Basilia Center
The “Omega South Leo Club” (19-30 yrs.) also embarks on several community projects such as personally preparing meals for the less fortunate and distributing these to them. Presently they are diligently working on combatting bullying among the young people especially cyber bullying.
Worthwhile mentioning is the fact that the Alpha Leo Club will be celebrating its 35th anniversary on April 16th 2018. Sponsored by the Sint Maarten Lions Club in 1983 the “Alpha Leo Club” throughout these 35 years has produced many fine, respectable, service minded young men and women many whom after their studies abroad have returned to Sint Maarten and are making a worthwhile contribution to the development of the island. Some of whom today are Lion members and some who have held prominent positions not only on club level but also in the Lions District as District Governor, Cabinet Secretary/Treasurer, Region and Zone Chairmen and some who continue to be at the head of Lions District Committees. Lions as well as Leos are very proud of the fact that the Alpha Leo Club is considered one of the oldest youth organizations on Sint. Maarten serving humanity.
Photo caption: The board and members of the St. Maarten South Leo Club at their 2017-2018 Board Installation Dinner at Avantika in June 2017.
Photo caption: Members of the St. Maarten Leo Club delivering food baskets to various families in December 2016.