Published On: Sat, Oct 22nd, 2016

Dump Fire Smoke over Sentry Hill

PHILIPSBURG — Elections are over and we have a new coalition government in place to be sworn in on October 30th. Now there is a wind of change blowing through this country and it has changed direction. But not the kind of change we want. The smoke from the dump fire is now blowing all the way up into the Cul-de-Sac basin reaching Saunders, St. Peters and South Reward.

With the present outcry for something to be done, the incoming minister of VROMI will have his work cut out for him. Not an easy task given the complexities of such a project venture. However, the will should be there and where there is a will, there is a way. What is most important is that the minister should know that he will have the support of the entire population of the island behind him on this project. Petty politics will just have to make place for what needs to be done for the good of the island and its inhabitants.

Below is a video column by Peter J. Gittens, candidate #2 on the St. Maarten Christian Party list in the recent elections. Gittens makes an interesting point in his video commentary. This video is shot from Sentry Hill, the same peak where the Rain Forest Adventures Park is presently under construction to build the steepest zip line in the Caribbean. Imagine cruise tourists ziplining down this hill through the smoke coming from the dump.

Video by Peter J. Gittens

Here below is a photo taken by Mary’s Fancy’s resident, Al Hodge, showing the Rain Forest Adventures Park that is currently under development with the smoke from the dump lingering over the area. So much for an eco-friendly adventures park. This alone should inspire the authorities, not only the incoming minister of VROMI, but the cruise harbor officials and the Rain Forest Adventures Park executives to take pro-active measures to help solve the mounting dump problem in the middle of our island’s capital once and for all.


Photo by Al Hodge


Photo by Milton Pieters


Photo by Milton Pieters

Urgent Notice from the Fire Department