Published On: Sun, Oct 15th, 2017

Van Putten’s statements are unacceptable, Statians say

ORANJESTAD – The remarks island council member Clyde van Putten made during a congress in Curacao whereby he said that Dutch soldiers would be burned and killed in the streets, have met with criticism in Statia too.

“I am extremely saddened by these statements, because they categorically don’t reflect my values and the values of the people of Statia, independent island council member Rueben Merkman wrote on Friday in a letter to the chair of the Dutch Senate, Anneke Broekers-Knol.

“As a people and island we are grateful to the Dutch military for all that they have done and continue to do for us.”

Merkman labeled Van Putten’s statements as unacceptable. “I sincerely hope that Councilman Clyde van Putten can find it in his heart to make a public apology. I express my sincerest apologies to you on behalf of the people of Statia for these offensive, inappropriate and rash statements.”

The Democratic Party of Statia also condemns Van Putten’s statements, labeling them likewise unacceptable. “These statements are clearly meant to entice violence and aggression. That is unacceptable in the civilized society we are living in,” the party said in a press statement.

“The PLP government, led by Van Putten, has already publicly stated that they disregard the laws and no longer recognize the authority of the Kingdom Representative. They also ignore the financial supervision and controls of the ministry of internal affairs and kingdom relations; they ignore regulations about the appointment of civil servants and honor contracts to third parties. They also do not give account for their financial management.”

The DP furthermore notes that Van Putten is frustrated about his inability to realize anything from his election program and that he is now putting the blame on others by “putting up smoke screens like his fight for autonomy.”

The DP says that Van Putten has overstepped his boundaries. The party has requested an extraordinary meeting of the Island Council to discuss the offensive statements.

Clyde van Putten congress speech Curacao

Screenshot from video recording of speech of Clyde van Putten during congress in Curacao.

Related news article: Van Putten’s death threats upset Dutch politicians