Published On: Fri, Jan 25th, 2019

MOU signed between USM, American University and NIPA

MOU signing between USM AUC NIPA 1

PHILIPSBURG—A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on collaboration was signed between the American University Caribbean School of Medicine (AUC), the University of St. Maarten (USM) and the National Institute for Professional Advancement (NIPA) at the University of St. Maarten on Friday. This MOU seeks to better serve St. Maarten in the institution of higher learning.

The aim of the MOU is seen as a partnership between secondary and tertiary education and higher education. The institutions have agreed to enter into many partnerships. The development of public policy and the voluntary sharing of resources for the benefit and the well-being of St. Maarten.

It also serves to the mutual interest and good faith to promote the collaboration and research in education that will facilitate academic and scientific advancement in St. Maarten. It is also intended to share information on the local and international level on knowledge and the beneficial exchange of student’s, facility and staff of the institution.

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The institutions have agreed to have tripartite meetings to discuss the issues of common concern and to plan collective activities. They also plan to have joint collective activities to raise awareness in public health and sustainable development and climate change.

They intend to share information that mutually benefits the facility, staff, and administrators of the three institutions which include internship possibilities, donations and the acquisition of used and unused material that would be of benefit to the institutions.

They will engage government and the private sector, non-governmental organizations and the churches in dialogue for the benefit of friendly relations and collective well-being.  The collaboration between the institutions is seen as an historic event since this is the first attempt to bring the institutions together.

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Photo captions:

Top photo shows: Representatives of the University of St. Maarten, American University and the National institute of Professional Advancement signing the Memorandum of understanding  at the University of St Maarten on Friday morning.

Members of  the board of the University of St Maarten present at the sighing ceremonies.

Photo shows:  Former President of the University of St Maarten Josianne Artsen Fleming among the audience  at the signing ceremonies.

Photos by Andrew Bishop