Published On: Tue, Feb 6th, 2018

Government addresses second major fire on Pond Island

GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) – Prime Minister Leona Romeo Marlin in an update on Tuesday evening says the Government Administration Building will remain closed to the public on Wednesday, February 7.

The second major fire on Pond Island is being addressed by the Fire Department, Ministry VROMI and the Landfill Management Contractor. All available resources are being used to fight the fire.

Six schools (Charlotte Brookson Academy; Oranje School; Genevieve DeWeever School – Cycles 1 & 2; Sister Borgia School; St. Joseph Primary School; and Sundial School) and the University of St. Martin in the Philipsburg area, are requested to remain closed, as well as the NIPA and Asha Stevens Hillside School in Cay Hill on Wednesday.

All daycare centers in the Philipsburg area and in Cay Hill should remain closed on Wednesday.

Recreational activities taking place at the L.B. Scott Sports Auditorium on the Pondfill should be cancelled or postponed until further notice.

Three cruise vessels that were scheduled to be in port on Wednesday have been appraised of the situation and have been requested to use their discretion whether to berth at Port St. Maarten.

The Ministry of Public Health has been in contact with the St. Maarten Medical Center and they have not experienced any increase in patients with respiratory challenges.

On behalf of the Government of Sint Maarten, the Council of Ministers apologizes to the Philipsburg community and surrounding areas as well as other districts affected by the smoke from the landfill fires.

A special thank you goes to the first responders, civil servants and all persons in general who continue to work and contribute to the extinguishing of these two major fires on the landfill.

An investigation is being conducted by the relevant authorities with respect to the cause of both fires. A second fire breaking out at the landfill on Pond Island is of great concern to the Government and has its full attention.

Video recording by freelance photo journalist, Milton Pieters.