Published On: Thu, Jul 12th, 2018

Council of Ministers meets Committee on Kingdom Relations of the Dutch House of Representatives

Kingdom Relations

PHILIPSBURG — On Thursday, July 12, 2018, the full Council of Ministers met with the standing Committee on Kingdom Relations of the Dutch House of Representatives. The committee comprised of Alexander Pechtold (D’66, chairman), Ronald van Raak (SP), André Bosman (VVD), Stieneke van der Graaf (CU), André Bosman (VVD), Antje Diertens (D’66), Joba van den Berg CDA), Attje Kuiken (PvdA), Henk Krol (50plus), Nevin Özütok (GroenLinks), and Tim de Lange (‘griffier’). Members of the Interim Recovery Committee (IRC) were present to answer any technical questions. During the meeting Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin gave a presentation of the recovery process of Sint Maarten, highlighting the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), the Emergency projects of the World Bank Trust Fund and the challenges encountered for the Recovery Process.

Both parties deemed the meeting to be a fruitful one; information was exchanged and updates were provided in an open and transparent manner. In her closing words, Prime Minister stressed on the importance of a continued cooperation on a basis of mutual respect and a primary focus on the people of Sint Maarten, which would form the basis of reaching a victory for the entire Kingdom.

After the meeting, the Kingdom delegation continued with a meeting with the Steering Committee followed by a tour of the island to further observe the recovery process of the island.