Published On: Mon, Jun 25th, 2018

Teen Times reminds Heyliger of his promise for a performing arts Center


With the news that the old Government Administration Building is to be torn down, the crew of Teen Times jumped at the opportunity to remind MP Theo Heyliger of his promise to St. Maarten’s youth and young artists in 2014 to construct a multi-purpose Center for the Performing Arts on that location.

Teen Times has been persistent and vocal in its championing of a Performance Arts Center since 1996. The group has called for a space for young artists to hone their skills and a world class venue that can hosts local and international performing arts events. In 2014 Heyliger, as leader of the United People’s Party, released his vision for a center that will encompass not just an ultra-modern main theater performing hall, but complimentary sections as well.

These included a new library (or a wing of the existing library), studio rooms for dance and music, classrooms for the study of arts, a museum ect. The immediate area of the center would also be transformed into a green area with proper parking and a re-modeled Clem Labega Square into a public park.

“We have had multiple governments over the years advocating for this center. We know meetings have been held, committees formed, deadlines set and so on. But there has been nothing tangible coming out of any of it,” Coordinator of Teen Times Rochelayne Rommy-Richardson said.

“Now we have a new government with MP Heyliger at its head. We were totally impressed with his vision of a multi-purpose center in 2014 and presented it to St. Maarten’s youth as something to look forward to. With the old Government Building about to be demolished, we thought that time was right to remind MP Heyliger of his promise to our talented artists. We look forward to the new government seeing it through to fruition. Our young people and in particular our young artists deserve this. Since it was his vision, we are sure he will be passionate about seeing it done,” she said.
