Published On: Fri, Sep 15th, 2017

Safety and Security under control

KPSM Police SXMPhilipsburg — The joint taskforce consisting of members representing the police forces from Aruba and Curacao, the Royal Marechaussee, the V.K.S., the Customs Department under the leadership the Sint Maarten Police Force continue to work diligently to maintain the safety and security situation on the Dutch side of the island totally under control. Joint patrols continue to carry out general controls and other safety and security checks continue to take place on a 24 hours basis.

Police also continue to monitor the situation at all water and supplies distribution locations to make sure that this process takes place safe and without incident. Thus far no incidents have been reported. Gasoline stations and other businesses are gradually reopening to the public and also being monitored by police.

The curfew that was issued by the Honorable Prime Minister William Marlin is being strictly enforced and those in violation of the curfew are being arrested and put through the judicial process.
On Thursday, September 14th eight persons were arrested by police, seven of which were for violating the curfew and one for another offense. All suspects were brought to the Philipsburg Police Head Quarters where they held during the night. These suspects will face the Public Prosecutor on Friday September 15th who will decide how this case will be handled further. These controls will continue indefinitely.

Police have also encountered many persons walking or driving on the streets while the curfew is in effect. The persons mostly claim that they have been working until late and were on their way home.

The Police Department is hereby informing all business managers/owners that the curfew applies to everyone and that they should take all necessary measures to make sure their employees are allowed to leave the workplace in time for them not to be in violation of the curfew and to experience any unnecessary delays or inconveniences.