Published On: Sat, Jan 14th, 2023

MP Heyliger-Marten questions suspension of Cadastre-director

PHILIPSBURG — Independent MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten has asked for a question hour with Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs, Minister of Finance Ardwell Irion and Minister of Public Housing, Urban Planning, Environment an Infrastructure (VROMI) Egbert Doran. Reason: the MP wants answers to questions about the suspension of the managing director of the Cadastre.

MP Heyliger-Marten writes that the supervisory board of the Cadastre has suspended its director. She wants to know whether the Council of Ministers, or individual ministers, has or have been informed about the suspension and whether the supervisory board has provided valid reasons for its decision.

Heyliger-Marten also wants answers about the procedures the supervisory board has (or has not) followed: “Has the government been able to establish that the suspension of the director was carried out in full compliance with the articles of incorporation of the Cadastre and all other applicable laws, rules and regulations?”

The MP also wants to know whether the suspended director communicates directly with the Council of Ministers. “Or does this only take place via the supervisory board?”

Among the twelve questions the MP has posed, and to which she expects answers during a public question hour of parliament is also this one: “Have the supervisory board members conducted a self-evaluation as required by the corporate governance guidelines, and if so, can this self-evaluation be made available to parliament?”

“I hope that, if true, this is not another case of a local professional being victimized for political or other reasons,” Heyliger-Marten states in a press release about her request for a question hour.

The press release furthermore refers to the airport-saga whereby managing director Brian Mingo was fired by the airport holding. Because the holding did not follow the correct procedures, the court later reversed this decision.

The government then implemented a corporate governance improvement plan for the airport. Heyliger-Marten is now seeking answers about the situation of the Cadastre-director because the government “seems to give high priority to corporate governance” and because the Cadastre “plays a crucial role in registering and protecting the patrimony of the people.”


Letter MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten to President of Parliament
Press Release regarding letter for question hour regarding suspension Cadastre-director