Published On: Tue, Apr 11th, 2023

MP Heyliger-Marten wants closed-door meeting of Parliament with Cadastre-management

PHILIPSBURG — Independent MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten showed her concern about the uncertain situation at the Cadastre by requesting financial information from its managing board.

In a press release dated April 10, Heyliger-Marten points out that the articles of incorporation require that the managing board gives the Council of Ministers access to its administration and that it will, upon request, provide all information about financial policies and financial management.

The MP is particularly interested in the Cadastre’s audited financial statements from the year 2013 until the present and the approved budgets for the years 2013-2023.

Heyliger-Marten asked in a letter addressed to the president of parliament the Cadastre’s management provide an elucidation on the requested documents. For this purpose, she has requested an urgent closed-door meeting of parliament.

The press release refers to an earlier question hour with the Minister of Finance Ardwell Irion, where she posed questions about the suspension of the Cadastre’s managing director, Shaka Lake.

“Not all questions were answered in-depth, and I have also taken note of recent online articles mentioning former employees of the Cadastre,” MP Heyliger-Marten stated. Using article 14 of the Cadastre’s articles of incorporation, the MP now wants to request information directly from the Cadastre-management.

“Seeing the importance of Cadastre for the country, I look forward to parliament receiving the information as soon as possible,” the press release states.


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