Published On: Sat, Oct 14th, 2017

Sarah Wescot-Williams sends urgent letter to Kingdom Council of Ministers

Sarah Wescot-Williams 20170330 - HHGREAT BAY — Sarah Wescot-Williams today sent an urgent letter to the Dutch Kingdom Council of Ministers (Rijksministerraad) outlining her personal feelings and gratitude for the assistance the Netherlands as a Kingdom partner offered to St. Maarten in the aftermath of hurricane Irma and in the darkest hours the island went through and her view on the conditions the Dutch government is imposing on the St. Maarten government in order to receive financial aid for rebuilding the country.

“The correlation is not clear to me. Especially between an integrity chamber and the transparent execution of projects. This should be clearly outlined beforehand with guarantees and effective control mechanisms in place how the rebuilding funds are to be disbursed and implemented.” writes Wescot-Williams in her letter.

Wescot-Williams clearly points out in her letter that the urgency for the need of aid for St. Maarten and its people should be paramount and not be linked to a debate about an integrity chamber, about autonomy and other internal issues, but rather clear conditions be set how the rebuilding funds from Holland should be allotted, transparently, effectively and efficiently, as time is of the essence in the rebuilding process.

Wescot-Williams writes in her letter that she will do her utmost in her position to table the topics of the integrity chamber and border control in Parliament as soon as is possible.

More on the contents of this letter to come in a later update.