SMGA President Velda Blackett calls for unity by diversity
PHILIPSBURG — The incoming President of the St. Maarten Guyanese Association Velda Blackett has called for “unity by diversity”. She pointed out that even though Guyanese living on the island may have difference of opinions and may argue and in some cases disagree to agree, they “share one common bond which is what makes us Guyanese,” she said.
In her address to the members who had gathered to witness the installation of the new board of directors Blackett said “I am a proud Guyanese and I encourage persons from the diaspora to join the association. She mentioned that there are a number of activities slated for this year and as a result the association must move forward in unity. She added, that at the end of the day the Guyanese living here are not only being judged by their peers but also by the “foreign land that we are living in.”
Blackett explained that even though some Guyanese may acquire another nationality “at the end of the day we are judged by our roots and as a result we should portray an image that is outstanding and professional in whatever we do,” she said.
During the elections which was held last week, out of the 24 persons who voted Blackett received some 22 votes to secure her position as the president of the Guyanese St. Maarten Association for a year. Former president Malcom Mickle received 24 voted for the position of vice president and Dewanti Persaud received some 19 votes for the position of Secretary.
Former treasurer Mark Daniels returned and holds the position for a second term of office while Joshua Schwiers has been elected as the deputy secretary and Sharon Lane as the assistant Public Relations Officer. During the elections it was decided that the person to fill the position of the Public Relations Officer will be done by the incoming board of directors.
Photo shows: Incoming President of the St. Maarten Guyanese Association Velda Blackett with cake flanked by Secretary Dewanti Persaud and vice President Malcom Mickle while incoming members of the Board of Directors look on during the installation ceremonies which was held at their offices on Wednesday on Back street.
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