Political Scientist assesses election results
~ Winners, losers and food for thought ~ PHILIPSBURG — Political scientist Julio Romney has assessed the results of the August 19 snap parliamentary elections in St. Maarten, where he believes some politicians More...
Sarah Deems IPKO a Success
~ Consultations Should Always Be With End Goal In Mind ~ Philipsburg St. Maarten, January 18, 2019 – “I wish to again congratulate all of the persons who contributed to the success of the Interparliamentary More...
Port, Government and Private Sector take Evaluation Tour in Effort to Ensure a Positive Cruise Experience
PORT ST. MAARTEN – Representatives from the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT), Ministry of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure More...
Nature Foundation Assesses Marine Park and Dive Sites
Simpson Bay — Due to Hurricane Irma causing significant damage to underwater life because of storm surge and strong water motion, the Sint Maarten Nature Foundation conducted initial Marine Park and Dive More...
VROMI: Markings on the structures are solely for assessment
Philipsburg – The Inspectors of the Inspection/Permits Department from the Ministry of VROMI are currently assessing all structures post hurricane Irma and Maria. Homes that are deemed unlivable will be marked More...