Tag archive for ‘dump’
By The Publisher On Thursday, April 19th, 2018

SHTA Call to Action Regarding the Dump

PHILIPSBURG – “Dear His Majesty King Willem Alexander, His Excellency the Governor Eugene Holiday, Council of Ministers, Honorable Members of Parliament, State Secretary of Kingdom Affair Raymond Knops, Head More...

By The Publisher On Sunday, February 11th, 2018

PM and Ferrier to Brussels soon to seek dump funding. Are they serious???

Dear Editor, I read in astonishment that the current Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin and the Finance Minister Michael Ferrier will be travelling to Brussels to seek funding for a joint Dutch-side/French-side solution More...

By The Publisher On Thursday, February 8th, 2018

Continuation Urgent Central Committee meeting of Parliament about the current situation at the dump including possible solutions

PHILIPSBURG – The House of Parliament will sit in an urgent Central Committee meeting on February 9, 2018. The minister of General Affairs as well as the minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor More...

By The Publisher On Thursday, January 18th, 2018

Minister Giterson: “Dump is a giant murderer”

PHILIPSBURG – “The dump is my biggest problem. It is a monster. I consider it a giant murderer,” VROMI-Minister Miklos Giterson said at his first appearance at a Council of Ministers press briefing on Wednesday. But More...

By The Publisher On Sunday, December 10th, 2017

Dump on fire again

PHILIPSBURG – The dump on Pond Island was on fire again for the past couple of days. On Saturday the fire seemed to intensify and these was no visible action to douse it. A heavy cloud of poisonous smoke drifted More...

By The Publisher On Tuesday, April 25th, 2017

Man killed by garbage truck

GREAT BAY – Initial reports reaching Today Newspaper Online newsdesk at noon indicated that there was an accident on the landfill which resulted in the death of one man from the Dominican Republic. According More...

By The Publisher On Thursday, March 30th, 2017

Shooting for the moon

There is no doubt that the government got the message about the dump: it was the prime topic at the Council of Ministers press briefing. Minister Christophe Emmanuel made a couple of statements yesterday that may More...

By The Publisher On Thursday, March 30th, 2017

Minister Christophe Emmanuel: “Dump fires will soon be a thing of the past”

GREAT BAY – The dump on Pond Island took center stage during yesterday’s Council of Ministers press briefing. Minister Christophe Emmanuel emphasized that the dump is a priority. “We are working on it,’ More...

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By The Publisher On Thursday, January 19th, 2017

Minister Emmanuel tours the dump

GREAT BAY – Vromi-Minister Chirstophe Emmanuel and his cabinet toured the sanitary landfill commonly known as the dump with the Head of the Infrastructure Management department, Claudius  Buncamper. The camera More...