PM and Ferrier to Brussels soon to seek dump funding. Are they serious???
Dear Editor,
I read in astonishment that the current Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin and the Finance Minister Michael Ferrier will be travelling to Brussels to seek funding for a joint Dutch-side/French-side solution to waste management to solve the dump crisis. From what I’ve come to understand, both ministers have either left the island already or are slated to leave by Tuesday of this week. Now, I would like to put this in perspective.
The present Minister of VROMI, Miklos Giterson, stated on the floor of Parliament on Wednesday, February 7th, 2018 that he was yet to study the documents on a possible waste to energy solution that was approved by the previous Council of Ministers, as proposed by then Minister of VROMI, Christopher Emmanuel. This is the same minister who in his first press briefing on January 17th, 2018, indicated that finding a solution to the landfill would be his highest priority. So, what have you been busy with Minister Giterson between January 15th, 2018 and February 7th, 2018, that you were unable to study the documents?
With high anticipation, I awaited the continuation of the Parliament meeting on Friday February 9th, 2018. Shockingly this urgent meeting was postponed by the Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin. WHY?? What could be a valid reason to postpone the meeting, while the dump was still on fire with smoke bellowing in Philipsburg for FIVE consecutive days? With Civil Servants having to work in a building that reeked of smoke and citizens urgently in need of government services suffering under the same conditions.
Now we know the reason for the postponement. The ministers in this government are acting like sheep being led to the slaughter! State Secretary Knops made a statement to the Prime Minister that made it clear to me. “I was in Brussels last week and you will go to Brussels soon.” So in other words, this government has chosen to follow an ‘instruction’ from the Netherlands by way of State Secretary Knops, instead of taking at least a day to review the decisions that are already on the table for a solution to our landfill problem.
So, I have to ask Minister Giterson the following. When will we get the answers to the questions posed by the members of Parliament? When will we get to hear from you as Minister of VROMI about what transpired over the years and where we are at today as it relates to a solution for the landfill? Why has it been decided for the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance to travel to Brussels on a matter that pertains to your portfolio?
I would like the ‘Super 8’ and their ministers to tell the people of this country why they have chosen to take another trip on our expense as citizens to BEG for money, which we can already guess will not be a grant. Why they are hell bent to make us a country of beggars. How much debt they intend to sink this country in, rendering our grandchildren and their grandchildren in a spiral of debt.
(The writer of this letter to the editor has asked to remain anonymous.)