Tag archive for ‘Ferrier’
By The Publisher On Sunday, August 5th, 2018

Saba to temporarily close airport but will gain 3 ferry services, 1 helipad and 1 new extra airline company

Saba to temporarily close airport but will gain 3 ferry services, 1 helipad and 1 new extra airline company. How do you like them numbers? Read our special report about the planned Saba airport closure for runway More...

By The Publisher On Friday, May 18th, 2018

Frans: Ferrier admits UD misled people, still no hurricane funds

~ Says citizens rebuilding St. Maarten ~ Leader of the United St. Maarten (US) party MP Frans Richardson on Friday said Finance Minister Michael Ferrier’s statement about the lack of funds from Holland is More...

By The Publisher On Sunday, February 11th, 2018

PM and Ferrier to Brussels soon to seek dump funding. Are they serious???

Dear Editor, I read in astonishment that the current Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin and the Finance Minister Michael Ferrier will be travelling to Brussels to seek funding for a joint Dutch-side/French-side solution More...