Tag archive for ‘Government of Sint Maarten’
By The Publisher On Friday, June 28th, 2024

Court rules against developer in land swap dispute

PHILIPSBURG -- Tesi NV is a project developer and a part of the Port de Plaisance Group. In a notarial deed dated June 8, 1998, it obtained the right of long lease to several parcels of land located in Simpson More...

By The Publisher On Tuesday, December 12th, 2023

National debt stabilizes at the end of third quarter

PHILIPSBURG — St. Maarten’s national debt increased over the first two quarters of 2023 but stabilized more or less at the end of the third quarter. This appears from reviews by financial supervisor Cft. More...

By The Publisher On Monday, June 14th, 2021

Wake up call for the government of St. Maarten

Dear Editor, Not so long ago we had the saga at the airport which led to the firing of the CEO, who was later reinstated by a judge because of technicality. One would think that this would be a wake up call for More...

By The Publisher On Monday, May 10th, 2021

No satisfaction for BearingPoint in dispute about tax transformation

PHILIPSBURG — After the change of government in 2019 nothing has been done about plans to transform the country’s tax system. “The current government does not consider fiscal transformation opportune,” More...

By The Publisher On Saturday, December 19th, 2020

Government responds to RMR moving of the goalpost for liquidity support

PHILIPSBURG – In the Kingdom Council of Ministers (RMR) meeting held this morning in the Netherlands, Sint Maarten’s Minister Plenipotentiary Rene Violenus was present to deliver Sint Maarten’s position for More...

By The Publisher On Thursday, August 27th, 2020

CCSU members files official complaint against Government of St. Maarten

GREAT BAY — The members of the Committee of Civil Servants Unions (CCSU), known in Dutch as the GOA, filed an official complaint with the Ombudsman against the Government of St. Maarten on Friday August 21, More...

By The Publisher On Sunday, March 22nd, 2020

Sint Maarten Trust Fund Steering Committee Approves US$3.6 million for Rapid COVID-19 Response

PHILIPSBURG — Following a request from the Government of Sint Maarten and a rapid technical review by the World Bank, the Netherlands-financed Sint Maarten Recovery, Reconstruction and Resilience Trust Fund has More...

By Desk Editor On Tuesday, June 26th, 2018

Minister Johnson: Micro, small and medium enterprises are a great source of employment

POND ISLAND — Sint Maarten — Last year on 27 June, the international community celebrated for the first time the Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day. These are enterprises, which generally More...

By Desk Editor On Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

Prime Minister Romeo Marlin receives a courtesy visit from Commander of the Netherlands Forces in the Caribbean

PHILIPSBURG — Prime Minister the Honorable Leona Romeo Marlin received a courtesy visit at her cabinet in the Government Administration Building from the Commander of the Netherlands Forces in the Caribbean More...

By Desk Editor On Monday, June 4th, 2018

7th Annual Governor’s Symposium on Climate Change Speakers Announced

Harbour View – The Governor of Sint Maarten, His Excellency drs. E.B. Holiday today announced the speakers for the 7th Annual Governor’s symposium with the theme: “Climate Change and Small Islands States More...