Terms end for Dutch Members Progress Committee
THE HAGUE/PHILIPSBURG -- Both chairman of the Progress Committee Sint Maarten, Nico Schoof, and member for the Netherlands, Michel Marijnen (former chairman of the Progress Committee Curacao), retire after 12 years More...
Franklyn Richards joins Progress Committee
PHILIPSBURG — Former Lt. Governor and former member of the Law Enforcement Council Franklyn Richards is the successor of attorney Jason Rogers as St. Maarten’s member of the Progress Committee. This appears More...
Progress Committee chairman Nico Schoof: “It is going very slowly, but there is some progress”
PHILIPSBURG — “The preparedness of St. Maarten to do something with the recommendations of the Progress Committee depends since 2010 heavily on the minister of justice and the government that is in office,” More...
Is function book saga finally coming to an end?
PHILIPSBURG — State Secretary Raymond Knops spoke during his visit to St. Maarten with Justice Minister Anna Richardson and Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs about the worrisome situation at the police force More...
Pointe Blanche prison remains stuck in its own quagmire
PHILIPSBURG – To say that things are not going well at the Pointe Blanche prison is a serious understatement. In reality it is a mess and in spite of ten years of monitoring the Plan of Approach, in spite of More...
Report Progress Committee on Police Force: “Dark clouds are emerging.”
PHILIPSBURG – “The situation at the police force is less rosy than in our previous report,” the Progress Committee writes in its 37th progress report about the plan of approach for St. Maarten’s men and More...
Committee exasperated about lack of progress at the prison
PHILIPSBURG – The justice ministry does not have a grip on the detention facilities in St. Maarten. “The ministry has not freed up capacity for it and it is functioning badly. That hinders the prison management More...
Police Force receives work-visit from Progress Committee
PHILIPSBURG — On Tuesday July 30th the Police Chief Carl John and Management team received a scheduled work-visit from the Progress Committee. During this visit Chief John gave the committee an extensive More...
Parliament to discuss police and prison in Central Committee meeting on Wednesday
PHILIPSBURG — On Wednesday, March 6th, 2019, at 10am Parliament is scheduled to discuss the Progress Committee St. Maarten’s report on the police department and the prison and the proposed measures More...
An interesting move
By Hilbert Haar Not for the first time, the Progress Committee – the club that monitors how St. Maarten is doing with the execution of Plans of Approach for the police force and the prison – has sounded More...