‘New prison will accommodate treatment of mentally ill convicts’
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Sint Maarten Trust Fund Steering Committee Approves US$3.6 million for Rapid COVID-19 Response
PHILIPSBURG — Following a request from the Government of Sint Maarten and a rapid technical review by the World Bank, the Netherlands-financed Sint Maarten Recovery, Reconstruction and Resilience Trust Fund has More...

‘Government needs to ensure that forensic care is available within weeks’
PHILIPSBURG – An urgent letter to the Prime Minister has resulted in the establishment of the Taskforce Forensic Care. In the letter, the Public Prosecution Service, Point Blanche Prison, Turning Point and the More...

Rotary Club of St. Maarten and WIMA to host Diabetes Conference
~ NAGICO is the Platinum Sponsor ~ PHILIPSBURG – The Rotary Club of Sint Maarten, in conjunction with the Windward Islands Medical Association, and their Platinum Sponsor, NAGICO Insurances, will hold a conference More...

Nurses criticized for treating gun shot patient badly
ST. PETERS — “It is a good thing that there is a hospital on the French Side of the island or else my parents would have been making arrangements or my funeral,” said Shawn Odonoghue, who was shot following More...

The Detective Department is presently investigating a case of ill-treatment with a weapon
The Detective Department is presently investigating a case of ill-treatment with a weapon which took place on Sunday June 17th at approximately 01.00 p.m. at a bar located on the Sucker garden road. On the scene More...

CPS calls on parents and guardians to take preventive measures against scabies
GREAT BAY — Sint Maarten (DCOMM) — The Collective Preventive Services (CPS), a department within the Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labour (Ministry VSA), seeks to share information More...

Special treatment
The Common Court of Justice has finally found a date for the extradition hearing of casino owner Francesco Corallo, but May 16 will only be the first step in what could be a long process. After several failed attempts More...

Hard to understand
Is casino owner Francesco Corallo getting a fair treatment? That is the question we pose with the publication of our front page interview today. Extradition seems a fairly simple procedure – unless the request More...