Published On: Thu, Oct 6th, 2016

Octogenarian remains behind bars

GREAT BAY – Victor Albert R. celebrated his 82nd birthday on Tuesday but this was not a happy occasion, because he is detained in the Pointe Blanche prison. “I cannot take another day of this,” he told judge Dirk Gruijters yesterday in the Court in First Instance. “I cannot stay another day in prison. Give me house arrest instead.”

His wife and co-suspect Irene F. (56) also asked the court to suspend her detention, but the court did not grant these requests. The suspects remain behind bars until at least the handling of their case that was postponed until December 7.

The couple and their son Richard Richinel R. (24) are suspects in an investigation into arms and drugs dealing and money laundering.

On March 16 of this year, the Public Prosecutor, Officers of the Detective Collaboration Team (RST) and the Judge of Instruction carried out house searches in Dutch Quarter and on the French side. The searches were done with support from the police force and the Gendarmerie. Simultaneously a search was done in the Pointe Blanche prison in the cell of Renold Reo R.

Officers found weapons, marijuana and $6,000 in cash for which the suspects did not have a good explanation.

Victor R., his wife Irene and their son Richard were arrested and they have been behind bars ever since. Renold Reo R. another son of Victor R. has been questioned in this investigation. This 27-year old is currently serving a 16-year prison sentence in Pointe Blanche for a series of attempted manslaughters, following the murder of his pregnant girlfriend Deyanida Faynette on March 18, 2014 in Dutch Quarter. After hearing his sentence, R. threatened Judge Maria Paulides who shortly afterwards left the island to continue her work in Aruba and Curacao.