Published On: Thu, Feb 22nd, 2018

MP Connor commends the Government and APS for following through with housing development project

MinVROMI CC Notarial Deed for Housing Signed with APS

Dear Editor,

I have been following news in which Minister of Education, Honorable Jorien Wuite met with representatives of the APS about their plans to develop affordable housing for civil servants, teacher and employees of government related organizations.

“This project is one that I hold very dear to my heart,” MP Connor stated. He recalled when the notarial deed for the commencement of this project was signed with APS on November 19, 2015, when he held the portfolio of Minister of VROMI.

A total of 48-60 homes was envisioned to be built on the Vorst property in Cay Hill. A total of 11,129M2 of land was acquired by government and leased to the APS for the purpose of constructing affordable home. The entire process was done in a very transparent manner, while the necessary due diligence were carried out.

The issue of housing has been the subject of discussion for governments of the past and this matter remains a top priority of our agendas today. It was regretful to learn however, that after leaving office in 2015, that the government at the time refused to execute the project simply because it was started during my tenure. “An important project like this one should never be used as an instrument for petty politics,” the MP stated.

“It was always about providing affordable housing opportunities for middle income families, starters and returning young professionals; it was never about me,” he added.

I wish to take this opportunity to commend the APS and the current government for following through with the project, which in the end will only serve to empower those who stand to benefit from their very own investment to the Pension fund.

MP Claret Connor

Above photo caption: L to R: George Willems, Richard Gibson Jr., Franklyn Richards and Minister Hon. Claret Connor while a representative from the Notary looks on. Photo courtesy of the Government of St. Maarten’s website.