Published On: Thu, Oct 20th, 2016


The governor of Curacao has sent the controversial 80-20 labor law back to the cabinet because she considers it discriminatory – and rightly so.

There is however more to this archaic law that deserves our attention. It is a form of far-reaching government-interference in the private sector, where companies ought to be free to hire the people they need. With the right people in the right place, companies will flourish and when they do, other jobs become available.

Again, and this is also true for St. Maarten, when there are two candidates for a job and a local is equally qualified for it, we support the notion that the local should get that job.

A government that enforces a quota for locals harms the investment climate. It will cause existing companies to consider relocation or down-sizing and it will make investors think twice before they choose that particular country to set up shop.

No matter how you look at it, this will go at the expense of local employment. This way, the 80-20 law would achieve exactly the opposite of its intended purpose.