Published On: Tue, May 28th, 2024

Voters’ real concerns: the Bread and Butter Issues

In the midst of political debates and legislative complexities surrounding the use of Article 59 of the Constitution of St. Maarten, it’s crucial to remember the core concerns of the average voter. A statement provided by a reader highlights a significant disconnect between political, legal, constitutional and intellectual discourse and the daily struggles of the common person.

You guys know that people are not interested in this debate. The regular local man on the street, the people who actually go to the vote – except for a few elites – you know that they’re not interested in these things, right? They – the people – the voters – are more interested in the bread and butter issues. How are you going to put food on their table? How you’re gonna bring down the cost of living and deal with things like rent, house rent, apartment rent, because most people are renting, or whatever the case may be. These are things that people care about. The regular man on the street, he doesn’t give a hoot about solution for conflicts of Article 59 and those kind of stuff. In general, politicians are talking over people’s heads. People who actually out there, who are actually struggling, who are actually hurting, they don’t want to hear or see this. They want to talk on or know about the bread and butter issues. And I think a lot of this just fly over their heads and this is why it doesn’t resonate with voters.”
Mervin Hanley, THG Network

The following points are the key take-aways from this reader’s statement:
Bread and Butter Issues: The primary focus for most voters lies in the practicalities of life—how to secure their next meal, manage living expenses, and afford housing. These are the bread and butter issues that directly impact their quality of life.
Political Disconnect: There is a perception that politicians often engage in discussions that are far removed from the realities of those they represent. The intricacies of laws like Article 59 and electoral conflicts may seem irrelevant to someone preoccupied with making ends meet.
Communication Gap: The language and priorities of politicians can sometimes appear to be “talking over people’s heads,” failing to address the immediate concerns of voters who are struggling and hurting.
Resonance with Voters: For political messages to resonate, they must align with the interests and needs of the electorate. Voters want to know how leaders will address their day-to-day challenges, not just the high-level political manoeuvres.

In conclusion, politicians must bridge the gap between legislative actions and voter concerns. By focusing on the issues that touch the lives of the average citizen, they can ensure that their policies and communication are both relevant and resonant. This alignment is essential for fostering trust and securing the support of the electorate.

Terrance Rey
Publisher & Editor


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