Published On: Wed, Apr 26th, 2017

Sexy Silveria

Carnival is the season of naughtiness, but one may well ask the question whether the Youth Extravaganza is the proper podium for it.

We’d think that chanting Sexy Silveria is in itself harmless enough, but for the Carnival Development Foundation and the police it was one bridge too far, so they pulled the plug on a show that was designed to entertain in particular youngsters.

More serious is the report that booth holders were selling alcohol to minors. That can obviously not be a reason to stop a show; it should be reason to kick such booth holders out of the Carnival Village with the message that they should not bother to ask for a spot next year.

All this goes to show that events that are designed with the best intentions can go unexpectedly off the rails.

The question is now which measures the Carnival foundation will take against those who caused this little ruckus.