Published On: Fri, Apr 28th, 2017

King Vers and Kenyo share spotlight

moment of truthGREAT BAY– In the weeks running up to the 2017 Soca Rumble competition sponsored by Tel Cell, expectations were high in the lyrical battle in the Groovy as well as the Power category.

Soca rumble competition

But only one winner could emerge in each category. King Vers did it with ‘Yap Yap’ after scoring 454 points while Kenyo A Baly who scored 419 points walked away with the Grovy title, with ‘Who Yuh Fuh’ which has been making waves on the airwaves.

That win for Baly and King Vers has made them $10,000 richer but only the 1st runner up in the Groovy category went home with US $ 3,500. Baly’s ascension to the top of the charts in the Groovy category could be considered as an upset considering the capabilities and experience of some of the competition. However for King Vers, it’s just another achievement in the musical arena.

Eleven participants competed in each category and King Vers as well as Baly tried their luck at both. Ironically, King Vers had to settle for the first runner up spot in the Groovy category with 382 points while the second runner up spot went to Meketere aka Da Lion, with I Appreciate.

Addison ‘Shadz” Richardson finished in the first runner up spot and that effort saw him winning $3,500 with 401 points and the second runner up in the Power category went to 17-year old Niquo, the youngest participant in the competition. Kenyo also won marketing prize and the Tel Cell SMS winner was Evelyne Walters aka Ebony Empress with a total of 300 social media votes.

However, it was a night that those in attendance will never forget, the organizers promised that the competition would have been entertaining and there was never a dull moment while the participants and their supporting casts were on stage.

To add the Midas touch to the night’s proceedings, the Carib Beer ring girls who were suitably attired made their presence felt every time another participant was scheduled to appear on stage.

However, the most unforgettable moments were when two midgets appeared during the Mighty Dow’s time on stage. Their hilarious performance resulted in gut wrenching laughter.

Caption photo above: Baly covers his face as Ivy Lambert places the crown on his head. Photo Today / Milton Pieters


Photo caption: Seventeen year old Niquo, the 2nd runner up in the Power category. Photo Today / Milton Pieters

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Photo caption: The Mighty Dow and his cast on stage during the 2017 Soca Rumble competition sponsored by Tel Cell. Photo Today / Milton Pieters

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Photo caption: Baly, the new Groovy winner and King Vers, the winner in the Power category pose for the cameras. Photo Today / Milton Pieters