Published On: Wed, Nov 15th, 2017

Foresee Foundation and ArtCrafts Café Foundation present Stories of Irma Through the Eyes of St. Maarten Children to Parliament

Philipsburg – Foresee Foundation and the ArtsCrafts Café Foundation on Tuesday presented President of Parliament, Sarah Wescot-Williams with the Stories of Irma Through the Eyes of St. Maarten Children.

One hundred and eighty-five entries of drawings, stories and poems were received from twelve schools. The artwork depicts the students’ experiences during and after hurricane Irma and offered them a creative avenue of expression.

Assisting the foundations was St. Maarten Academy student Jireh James. Presentations were made by Chari Brown of the Helmich Snijders Hillside Christian School, Taliyah Williams of the Seventh Day Adventist School and Guerline Masson of the St. Joseph School.

“It was a beautiful and touching sample of our children’s emotions, fears and hopes. The organizers should be commended.”, said President of Parliament Sarah Wescot-Williams.

Parliament receives Irma children stories

Photo captionPresident of Parliament Wescot-Williams with Jose Sommers of Foresee Foundation, Tessel Verheij of ArtsCrafts Café Foundation in the presence of Members of Parliament, A. Irion, T. Leonard, C. Conner, C. Brownbill and S.Bijlani.