Published On: Fri, Jul 6th, 2018

Mrs. Hellen van der Wal appointed as member of the Board of financial supervision Aruba

Hellen van der WalOranjestad – The current secretary of the Advisory Council of Aruba, Ms. Hellen van der Wal will become a member of the Board of financial supervision Aruba (CAft) as per August 1st, 2018. She has been nominated by Aruba and she will succeed the current member Mr. Robert Croes. Ms. Van der Wal will resign from her position as secretary to the Advisory Council from that moment on. She brings along her extensive administrative experience and her legal expertise. Chairman Raymond Gradus: “I have come to know Mrs. Van der Wal as a professional with a big heart for Aruban matters. I look forward to our collaboration within CAft”.

On July 6th the Kingdom Council of Ministers approved the appointment of Dr. Hellen van der Wal LLM. in the Board of financial supervision Aruba. Ms. Van der Wal has a broad record of service with the Aruban government and with the Advisory Board of Aruba (RvA), where she has fulfilled the position of Secretary since 2004. Prior to that position, she fulfilled various other functions within the Aruban government. At the RvA, she was co-responsible for the extensive review of the National Budget that the Council is currently executing. Placement of the budget process in a constitutional context has been her main contribution in this review. With her legal background and knowledge of the Aruban government and public finance, she will make a valuable contribution to the CAft, which incessantly continues to play an important role in these challenging times for Aruba.

Hellen van der Wal succeeds Mr. Robert Croes, who has been a member of the CAft since August 1st, 2015. Mr. Croes was involved with the inception of the CAft and with the other members he took the first important steps in the supervision of Aruban government finances. This foundation will further be built on. Chairman Gradus thanks Mr. Croes for his dedication and involvement in the CAft.

As per August 1st, 2018 the CAft will consist of Messrs. Raymond Gradus (Chairman) and Henk Kamp (upon the proposal of the Netherlands) and Ms. Hellen Van der Wal (upon the proposal of Aruba).