
Former Minister Maurice Lake sets the record straight

Dear Editor, I understand it’s in the heart of an election and some political parties would try to put others into a bad light for their own political gain. When I saw a letter from Fe Hernandez-Liburd of trying to destroy our local companies I wasn’t surprised by the content of the letter trying to discredit two former Ministers. I have obtained More...

by The Publisher | Published 6 years ago
By The Publisher On Friday, February 23rd, 2018

The litany of unkept political promises

Dear Editor, Every politician knows that the key to winning elections is to make great promises. This is the season where politicians mount platforms and sell cures to all the ills of the country. In the spirit More...

By The Publisher On Thursday, February 22nd, 2018

How government ruined Air Lekkerbek. Locals beware! Another local company destroyed.

Dear Editor, In 2002 my wife and I purchased Air Lekkerbek, the plane on the Pondfill that was one of the major touristic attractions on the island and frequented by many residents. The business was bought as a More...

By The Publisher On Wednesday, February 21st, 2018

Fair distribution of Government land in a small island state

Dear Editor, It speaks to our political immaturity when the distribution of state lands takes center stage in the 2018 Parliamentary Election. It was only on the 10th October 2010, with the dissolution of the Netherlands More...

By The Publisher On Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

Political terrorism unleashed on former Minister of VROMI Christopher Emmanuel

Dear Editor, I never thought I would live to see this day when politics on St. Maarten would reach to such a low and nasty level. Our political history on this island has always been known to be amicable. Persons More...

By The Publisher On Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

Colonialism On Some Caribbean Islands

Dear Editor, The winds of colonialism still tend to pose a threat to life on some Caribbean territories. Who will stand for them if they will not stand for themselves. In September 2017, Hurricane Irma displaced More...

By The Publisher On Monday, February 19th, 2018

Former Minister Christopher Emmanuel gave out land on the ring road to LOCALS

… and gave work to a LOCAL company. SO WHAT!! This is OUR country!!! So Emmanuel gave out land on the ring road. So what! I will say it again, so what! Didn’t Claret Connor give out 10.000 square meters More...

By The Publisher On Sunday, February 18th, 2018

The day after

by Koos Sneek Slowly also by me it sinks in that Statia does not have an elected island council and an executive council anymore. This ultimate measure, which was taken last in The Netherlands in 1951 whereby the More...

By The Publisher On Tuesday, February 13th, 2018

SMCP is not associated with any political party

Philipsburg — It is being rumored that the Sint Maarten Christian Party (SMCP) is an off-shoot of the DP, a satellite of the NA and that it is financed by the UPP. After the merger of UPP and DP into the UD, More...

By The Publisher On Sunday, February 11th, 2018

PM and Ferrier to Brussels soon to seek dump funding. Are they serious???

Dear Editor, I read in astonishment that the current Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin and the Finance Minister Michael Ferrier will be travelling to Brussels to seek funding for a joint Dutch-side/French-side solution More...