Published On: Fri, Apr 7th, 2017


The story of Ingrid Nadal-Rombley about her autistic son should get the full attention of the government, where Ministers Emil Lee (Public Health) and Silveria Jacobs (Education) are the first in line to take steps to improve the situation.

The schools are not equipped for dealing with autism and neither is the health care system; that much is clear from the story.

In an ideal world, doctors always come up with the correct diagnosis and education systems have the appropriate facilities for children with special needs.

In St. Maarten we only have this in name. The real world story of Mrs. Nadal-Rombley shows that there is an awful lot of room for improvement.

Let us not forget that autistic children (and adults with them) have special talents. It is up to the education system to bring out the best in them instead of sending them into the wilderness.

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