Published On: Thu, Nov 10th, 2016

A day of mixed emotions

St. Maarten’s Day is a day of mixed emotions for many people. I am also one of them. St. Maarten is an island with many people from all walks of life, countries and cultures. St. Maarten Day is the day when both sides of the island come together to celebrate the unity and oneness of its people, their collective history, their present harmony and their future struggle to maintain it.

However, it is time and long overdue that St. Maarten/St. Martin also starts celebrating the diverse cultures and people on the island. So not only French and Dutch St. Maarteners, but also Chinese, Indians, Spanish, Italians, etc., etc.

Many St. Maarteners born here and those born to be here together with those who were brought here feel that their identity as a St. Maartener is not being truly recognized. With the debate about who is a St. Maartener and who is not and who should even be Member of Parliament or a minister, many people often wonder if they should even celebrate St. Maarten Day when so many are contemplating what this day really means for the people of both sides of the island.

So next year, the goal of this newspaper is to have a St. Maarten Day Special that not only celebrates the coming together of French and Dutch to commemorate the day Christopher Columbus landed on the island but also to celebrate the mixed cultures and mixture of people on the island. So no more mixed emotions and mixed feelings, but more mixed cultures and people mixing it up together.

In the meantime, Happy St. Maarten Day!

Terrance Rey

On behalf Today Management N.V.